Jackson School of Geosciences
Bureau of Economic Geology

Carbon Dioxide: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Austin Earth Science Zoomerama
Age group: Middle/Junior High School, High School

Many have heard about the dangers of climate change, but don’t know how it happens or what can be done to reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that’s already in the air. Discover how scientists from the Gulf Coast Carbon Center hope to change this by educating communities about the greenhouse gas effect and the benefits of carbon capture and storage (CCS). This presentation addresses several topics relating to climate change and its mitigation through CCS with the hope of inspiring students to pursue scientific learning themselves.  Among those who are part of the presentation are undergraduate and graduate students who integrate their own stories about how they came to study CCS. Along the way you'll learn what greenhouse gases are with a specific focus on carbon dioxide, how gases form from the burning of fossil fuels, and just how much of this gas people produce during daily activities. You can learn about climate change mitigation and how CCS can help alleviate climate change, methods to produce green energy, and other ways to reduce emissions.