
Explore UT is open to the general public with online programming that is accessible to all. Activities specifically designed for K-12 students include an indication of a suggested grade level, denoting the difficulty of the concept or activity presented. Some programs will require participants to join virtual platforms (Zoom, Brazen, etc.). Children who are participating in these programs must be monitored by an adult chaperone (parent, guardian or a teacher) in order to join the virtual platform. Some may require verification that a chaperone will be present in order to register for participation.

Discover how Plants Talk, Move and Feel

Join Greg Clark from the Freshman Research Initiative Cell Signaling team to discover how plants have unexpected abilities to sense and respond to stimuli and "talk with" each other and with animals. Learn how plants sense and respond to changes in their environment and how plants are able to communicate using a chemical language.

College of Natural Sciences Science

Computing for All

The Texas Advanced Computing Center at UT Austin is home to some of the fastest supercomputers in the world. Researchers and students use cutting-edge technologies to help advance knowledge on climate change, space debris, and urban waterways.

Texas Advanced Computing Center Science
March 5, 2021, noon to 12:45 p.m.

Women in Engineering Program: FabFems Friday Webinar

Join the Women in Engineering Program FabFems Friday Webinar. We welcome recent STEM alums and role models to share their professional experiences and educational journeys with participants. Hear their career stories, ask questions, and get inspired. The webinar is part of a FabFems Friday webinar series featuring fabulous women in STEM role models throughout March for Women's HIstory Month.

Cockrell School of Engineering Engineering