
Explore UT is open to the general public with online programming that is accessible to all. Activities specifically designed for K-12 students include an indication of a suggested grade level, denoting the difficulty of the concept or activity presented. Some programs will require participants to join virtual platforms (Zoom, Brazen, etc.). Children who are participating in these programs must be monitored by an adult chaperone (parent, guardian or a teacher) in order to join the virtual platform. Some may require verification that a chaperone will be present in order to register for participation.

Livestrong at School

Education is a critical component of Livestrong Cancer Institutes’ mission and work. The goal of these programs is to reinvigorate cancer education at every age. Explore Livestrong Cancer Institutes’ podcast, curriculum, and program opportunities!

Dell Medical School Science

Discover Texas Memorial Museum

Take a virtual tour of Texas Memorial Museum and explore the museum through the eyes of a UT undergraduate student. Discover creatures from Texas' prehistoric past, exhibits that highlight wildlife in the natural regions of Texas and take a look at the Texas Pterosaur, the largest winged animal that ever lived, and Austin's own Onion Creek Mosasaur.

Texas Memorial Museum Science

¿Qué se está cocinando?

Toma el cuestionario "¿Qué trabajo de nutrición se adapta mejor a tu personalidad?" y descubre profesiones nutricionales que te interesan. Después, ve el video que corresponde con el resultado del cuestionario para ver entrevistas con futuras Nutricionist.

College of Natural Sciences Science

What’s Cooking?

Take the "Which Nutrition Job Best Fits Your Personality?" quiz and then discover more about nutrition professions by navigating through fun interviews with future Registered Dietitian Nutritionists.

College of Natural Sciences Science
March 5, 2021, 11 a.m. to noon

Pandemic Solutions through Pharmacy

The vaccine and treatment for COVID-19 is a common topic of interest for many in the world today.  Join us for a conversation with Dr. Maria Croyle, Dr. Diane Ginsburg and Dr. Mo Mohammed Maniruzzaman, members of the College of Pharmacy faculty, as they discuss the incredible work UT Pharmacy has done in the last several months regarding COVID-19.

College of Pharmacy Science