
Explore UT is open to the general public with online programming that is accessible to all. Activities specifically designed for K-12 students include an indication of a suggested grade level, denoting the difficulty of the concept or activity presented. Some programs will require participants to join virtual platforms (Zoom, Brazen, etc.). Children who are participating in these programs must be monitored by an adult chaperone (parent, guardian or a teacher) in order to join the virtual platform. Some may require verification that a chaperone will be present in order to register for participation.

Discover how Plants Talk, Move and Feel

Join Greg Clark from the Freshman Research Initiative Cell Signaling team to discover how plants have unexpected abilities to sense and respond to stimuli and "talk with" each other and with animals. Learn how plants sense and respond to changes in their environment and how plants are able to communicate using a chemical language.

College of Natural Sciences Science

Programming Maze Game

Computational engineers often have to solve big problems as fast as possible, but some programs can take hours or even days to find a result. This means that engineers need to think carefully about the code they are writing.  Learn to code by guiding your character through the levels of this online programming game.

Cockrell School of Engineering Engineering

This is Public Health

Public health professionals are leading the response to the COVID-19 pandemic nationwide. This video presentation will use the pandemic to answer the question “What is Public Health?” and provide high school teachers with resources to help them explore this dynamic and impactful field with their students. Participants will also learn about the UT Austin Undergraduate Public Health Program and meet some of UT Austin’s public health graduates!

College of Natural Sciences Science
March 5, 2021, 10:30 to 11 a.m.

First-Generation Student Information Session

Current high school students, who will soon be first-generation college students, are invited to join us for this interactive information session that will include helpful advice from experienced staff, direction to resources and other details on how to become a successful first-generation student on a college campus.   

Division of Diversity and Community Engagement Longhorn Life
March 6, 2021, 10 a.m. to noon

Design your own Google Logo!

Use your creativity and imagination to bring the Google logo to life using code. Make the letters dance, tell a story, or create a game. You can learn the basics of coding with this activity and learn all about how the professionals do it! If you finish this activity, head over to the Hour of Code website and choose whichever coding activity you’d like! With Scratch and CS First, anyone can become a designer and programmer for the day!
Cockrell School of Engineering Engineering
March 6, 2021, 10 to 10:30 a.m.

UT Youth Engagement Center Project Finish Line

Are you trying to find your to do list for college? Allow project finish line to help you understand the steps you will need to be admitted and enroll in a college. This session is geared towards first-generation high school students who may not know what steps are needed to reach their high educaiton goals.
Division of Diversity and Community Engagement Longhorn Life
March 6, 2021, 1 to 3 p.m.

Coding Challenges with IEEE

Activities for Beginners - Intermediate Coders! We are UT Austin’s official chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the largest ECE organization at UT! IEEE UT encapsulates all the extracurricular activities needed for an ECE student by providing social, professional, and technical outreach opportunities. It serves as the all-in-one org for ECE majors! Design Challenges: Clapping Heart, Electronic Pets, MakeCode Microbit Coding Challenges.
Cockrell School of Engineering Engineering